
Showing posts from April, 2023


  The mind is the seat of the soul which includes the emotions, thoughts, will, decisions, etc. It is the ground for spiritual battle. It is where Satan and his cohorts war with the soul. If the soul is defeated there, the will of Satan will be in control. But if the mind is set on God and His Word, the soul is shielded and doesn't easily fall into satanic traps. A heavenly minded person is the believer who has completely surrendered to the Lord and is directed by the Holy Spirit. This is a Christian whose mind and life is geared towards heaven, lives in holiness and forsake anything the world offers. Beloved, look unto Jesus and be heavenly minded! Colossians 3:2  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth (ESV).


  This world is a dangerous zone for believers to live. If we don't seek and choose to always be under the guidance of God, we may not be able to finish our heavenly pilgrim. Dwelling in the secret place of God means having a daily life of fellowship and communion with Him through prayers, Bible study, fasting, etc. It is a life of waiting and seeking the mind and the perfect will of God. If you don't learn to dwell in the secret place, you cannot have intimacy with Him. It is when you dwell in the secret place that you'll be able to abide under His shadow --- His protection, guidance and leadings. When you dwell in God's secret place while on earth, you'll remain eternally in His presence in Heaven. Psalms 91:1 He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


  The soul always yearns for its Maker. It was created to get connected with Him in a loving relationship. The soul that does not desire and have nothing to do with God is gravelly dead. The primary work of the soul is to love God and live in Him.  David, the Psalmist, knew the need of the soul-- God. Even when the soul is spiritually chained or stained by the world, it still crave to get closer to God. When the deer is looking for water, it can travel to a very far place just for a drink. It doesn't matter how far you will go with God if your soul is truly longing for Him! Is your soul longing to draw nearer to God, or you're drawing far from him? "As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?" (Psalm 42:1-2)


  The Christian life isn't a carnal life by the patterns of the world, but a spiritual life of the Word of God. Whatever happens in the physical already happened in the spiritual. The battle of our heavenly pilgrimage is a spiritual battle with unseen demonic armies. Therefore, it's very necessary to put on the whole armour of God to overcome the enemy. Living in the spirit means living the Word of God by the leadings of the Holy Spirit. You do not choose or decide your own way, but you allow the will of God to be done in your life. It is only when you live in the spirit that your discernment are sharpened and you put off the works, lust and desires of the flesh. _ Galatians 5:16-17, 24-25 _ _ This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh _ . _ For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would _ . _ And they that are Chri


  The spirit of anger has hinder many souls from entering heaven. This spirit does not walk alone, it is connected with the spirits of malice, bitterness, unforgiveness, murder, etc. You can control and be delivered from this spirit. Deal with your anger before it deals with you in hell. No matter how irritating the case or someone is to you, be patient and forgive. Once you hold unto anger, whether you show or hide it, it gives birth to the other spirits it walks with. You know you're quick tempered, why aren't you working on it and asking the Lord to deliver you? Don't entertain anger, let the fruit of the Holy Spirit mature in you! "But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement..." (Matt. 5:22) "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city" (Prov. 16:32)


  One of the greatest heart desires of God is that man will come to know Him and have an intimate relationship with Him. We were not just created in His image, He has a purpose for that. We resemble Him in order to represent Him. We are in His likeness to have a communion with Him at a personal level. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave a heavenly meaning of eternal life. It is just as simple as knowing God! In this world, the one which you choose to spend your life with, will be the very person to live eternity with, whether Satan or God. If you live your life according to the patterns of the world, you'll surely end at where it ends in hell, but if you live in the Word of God, you'll shall dwell with Him in Heaven. "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:3) .


  Holiness is not only about dressing modestly and refraining from worldly adornments, but inward character is also key. The holiness of God is about His character. As Christian, you must live in holiness, if ever you would want to make it to HEAVEN. Your heart should be pure, free from all works of the flesh, sins and selfishness. Christ doesn't dwell in sin. If your heart is filled with filthiness, He cannot abide there. It is only those who are pure in heart rhat shall be raptured and see God. Therefore, work on your inward character, ask the Lord to search your heart and remove all forms of impurities which will hinder your going to heaven. _ " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matt. 5:8) _


  The soul was created to be led and Shepherd by a higher supernatural being. In the case of Christians, those who have believed in the Lord, He is the Shepherd of our souls. He is the one who leads the soul to eternal life. But unbelievers are shepherded by the devil,  that is why they'll be in want of eternal life. Because if the Lord Jesus is your Shepherd, you shall not want  anything which He offers for His children. Beloved, whoever is shepherding your soul now will lead you to where he dwells, whether the devil or the Lord. Therefore, it's expedient you allow the Lord be the Shepherd of your soul, feed you with His Words, live in Holiness and abide with Him eternally in HEAVEN. There you shall enjoy His riches, peace, joy and glory. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 23:1).


  There are too much distractions and discouragements in our Christian journey to Heaven. The traps of the enemy to cause us to fall are many all around us. We can completely overcome them when our eyes are set on the Lord. We must focus on Christ if we really ever want to finish our race and enter Heaven. Apostle Peter was able to walk on the sea when His eyes were set on Christ, but immediately he turned his eyes towards the storms, he started to drown. Beloved, no matter how boisterous the wind of your life is, don't set your mind and heart on them to be discouraged, focus on the Lord, have faith in Him and believe in His power. "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb. 12:2).


  The omnipotence of God reveals that there is absolutely nothing that He cannot do. Someone once said that what God cannot do doesn't exist, yet He can even call that which doesn't exist to be in existence. That's how great and powerful our God is! Sometimes, we may not see the footsteps of His miracles, He just package them in surprises. It's not all the time that you will see evidences of what God is about to do, He may choose to keep it mute till the right time to your surprise. "For thus says the LORD: 'You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water...and this is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD" (2 Kings 3:17-18). Dear in Christ, it is very simple for the Lord to deliver you from all hardships and tears. It's easy for Him to provide for you without any traces of evidence! Therefore, trust Him, believe in His promises and lean on His faithful Words for the just shall live by faith.


God created man to live in Him. That is why He gave us the breathe of life. He also imparted His Spirit in us so we can walk in the spirit and be one with Him. God never intended that man should live apart from Him. But what do we see in our time? Many are living Satanic lives, even some Christians are walking in the path of the world! Beloved, God wants you to live in Him and walk in accordance with His Words. How obedient are you to His voice? Remember that if you're not found in the Lord while on earth, you'll never be found in Him when you die. Those whose names are found in the book of Life, lives to please the Lord. "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring (Acts 17:28)


  This is a ministry of the undiluted Word of God, prayers, counselling and the greater manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit.  If you have any question, prayer request, suggestion, feedback, testimony or to financially support this ministry, kindly contact:  +14127582124 +233243165797. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: * Let's keep our fire burning and be ready for the rapture. God bless you