What have you really done for God after He saved you? It's not going to church or your offering, that's your duty. But what can you really do for God to be proud of you? Our Lord Jesus had only one purpose when He came on earth. According to John 3:16, it says 'For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life'. The Bible says God did not send the Son to come and judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Beloved, the death of Jesus that has brought us freedom was because we too will be vessels through which others will be saved. Many are lost in these days. Your words can bring salvation  to others. Because whatever you do will be rewarded. If you do good, you do for yourself, if you do bad, it's before you. This is an akan proverb. When we look at the Word of of God, He says, He punishes even to the great grandchildren. This God can reward from generations to generation. Why should you fear when you are doing work for God? You've heard about Abraham and other patriarch who worked for God and are now in Heaven. We are the current ambassadors. So don't sit idle on the Word, share with others.

I pray that may the power in the Word work on you. May heaven remember you and miracles follow you and your house.

We are talking about everything will be revealed. We are reading from Hebrews 4: 13, Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.. Today I want to tell you that your secret character that you think none has seen it will be revealed. Mostly when we are about sinning, we look left, right and around, but we don't look up. We've forgotten that God is up there watching us. I want to alert you. Someone might have lied during his / her time at Senior High School and might have forgotten, but I'm reminding you that there is the accuser of the brethren -- Satan, who accuse God's children and has all that you did before him. It's not all sins that God forgives, there are sins you need do restitution on before you can be forgiven. For example, if I commit adultery, ask for forgiveness without telling the truth to my partner, God won't forgive me this sin. Because my partner is alive and he Bible says we should confess our sins to each other. You have to restitute to anyone you've sinned against. For instance, if I owe you or I took something from you without returning it and later you heard I've become a pastor, what will you think about me? Won't you consider me as a fake pastor? So I want to bring your mind on these things about restitution. I will elaborate later on this. Zacchaeus also did same when he met Jesus and we are all like Him. It was after he restituted that the Lord said salvation had come to his house. 

Beloved, what have hidden in your marriage that you thought God hasn't seen it? If you take any money from the pocket of your husband without informing him, you're a thieve in God's sight. Repent for after death is judgement. It's not how many years you've been in the church that'll determine where you'll go, but your works. The Lord said He had laid before us life and death, but it is His will that we choose life, nit death. The Bible says don't follow the multitude to sin. This is the time, tomorrow isn't yours.

God bless you.


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